Miss Jessica W.
Miss Jessica is a Dance Conservatory instructor from Mankato MN and has danced with Dance Conservatory for her entire career. She grew up dancing with Dance Conservatory and has loved every minute of it! She has been a dancer for 30 years and her favorite types of dance are jazz and lyrical. Jessica holds an Alcohol and Drug Studies major with a Social Welfare minor and works at House of Hope, Inc.
Fun facts: Her favorite color is pink!
Miss Jessica loves to dance because it gives her the opportunity to express herself and she loves seeing dancers continue to grow to be the best dancer they can be. One thing she wants her students to know is "Never give up on yourself even when times are hard. Keep pushing yourself to do better than yesterday." When she's not dancing, Miss Jessica enjoys spending time with family and friends, camping and shopping.
Jessica's favorite dance quote is "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
We are so happy to have the amazing Miss Jessica on staff at DC! Thank you, Miss Jessica!!